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 This page is a reference and demonstration on the basics on how to use dokuwiki. For a more comprehensive how-to, you can also take a look at the manual [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual|here]], or some tutorial screencasts made by the (dokuwiki) community [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/screencast|here]]. This page is a reference and demonstration on the basics on how to use dokuwiki. For a more comprehensive how-to, you can also take a look at the manual [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual|here]], or some tutorial screencasts made by the (dokuwiki) community [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/screencast|here]].
 To see how this page is formatted using dokuwiki's syntax, click on the edit page link to the right (note that only users with appropriate permissions will be able to see the edit page link. Right now that is Danni, Kai, and myself ).  To see how this page is formatted using dokuwiki's syntax, click on the edit page link to the right (note that only users with appropriate permissions will be able to see the edit page link. Right now that is Danni, Kai, and myself ). 
 ===== Sectioning and Headlines ===== ===== Sectioning and Headlines =====
 A dokuwiki page is divided into sections by the headlines on a page. If there are more than 3 headlines a Table of Contents will be generated automatically. A dokuwiki page is divided into sections by the headlines on a page. If there are more than 3 headlines a Table of Contents will be generated automatically.